Monday, June 17, 2013

Please stop................ By Brian Leeman

Have you ever been bullied ? Or Have You bullied someone?

I have been bullied and have been the bully,  neither were fun at all.

I bullied someone cause I was bullied but that does not make it right.

I want to tell you story about a boy name hunter  who  got sick of being bullied every day and did something about  it.
 Warning there are some harsh lanauge in this story

Hunter  is 16 year old  who wears hammy downs and  is very shy around people.
Hunter lives with his dad , who is the town drunk.

 Because of the way Hunter dresses and his dad being the town drunk ,  the kids at his school bully him all the time and beat him  up once a week .

They names he get's called each day are so horrible but ones that hurt the most are , :  you are a mistake, you should have been aborted ! ,     God hates scrubs like you  ! , and    just die already ! ,  the world would be better off with out you !.

 The jock's in his school  beat up , they last time they beat him up he had to get stitches on his face.

Hunter tries to reach out but no help comes his way .  His Drunk Dad tells him to man up and then smacks him around .  The teachers won't doing anything because they think he asks for it .

Hunter feels alone  and starts cutting to make the pain go away  but it does not help.  So Hunter starts using pain pills  but also  does not fully help ease from daily torment .

So one stormy night tried of it all , hunter finally finds a way to end the pain and his misery.

Hunter tells his dad he is going out for awhile   but dad  doesn't even hear him, he is too busy drowning himself in liquor .

Hunter heads towards the school  with rope and a note .

The next morning  when gets to school  they see hunter hanging from his home room celling fan  with a note on his desk.  The  note said :

Well  you all got what you wanted !!!!!!!!!!

I am nothing but mistake , why did i not do this sooner?!

I hate all of you , even you dad.  you are reason mom left !!!

I hope you all burn in hell for  all  you freaks put me through!

I just wanted  someone to love me but i guess that was too much to ask !

your mistake ,

Now tis story is not a true story but this happens  a lot theses days , sometimes it ends as a school shooting.
 We need to teach our kids  that bulling is not okay , so we can avoid tragedies like this. 
We also need to ourselves  start watching out for kids  who are being bullied  and make sure they don't stay victims .
 We need to start treating each with respect and  lifting  each other up .

Most importantly we need to love like Jesus did.


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