Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Hero , My Dad By Brian Luke Leeman

This Sunday is Fathers Day and so I want to take this time to share with you about my Hero , My Dad.

There is no limit of word's that can describe  my love for my dad but if i had to pick just 5 they would be : Caring , selfless , courageous, smart , and hard working .

Growing up my Dad worked a lot  but he always made time for me and brother  even though he was exhausted  from a hard day's work.

I remember we didn't have a lot of money , so my Dad would bring home boxes from work , My brother and I always had a blast for hours .

 My Dad taught me life lessons not by his words but his actions .

He taught me to help anyone in need  , respect the people who came before you , and always  be there for your family .

My Dad loves to read, he is the main reason i love to read .

My Dad  has dementia, it has been hard too see him struggle with this .

But He does not let dementia stop him ,  my Dad had a stroke before  he was diagnosed with dementia,  but  he trucks on   and helps out at the our church .

See him continue to live life even with all he deals with , is amazing !

DAD,  i love you , i am proud of you , and  thankful for you always being there for me .

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