Thursday, May 16, 2013


How many time's have you wished you could have told that one friend or that one family member about Jesus but didn't for some reason?

Let me give you a chance to see what happen's  when you don't tell that friend or the family member about Jesus.

Jake and Kyle have been best friends since they were four,  nothing could separate  them.

Jake grew up in church  and gave his life  to Jesus at fifteen . Kyle did not grow up in the church and never really who this Jesus, the only thing he knew about Jesus is that Jake believed in him.

Now even though Kyle knew that Jake believed  in Jesus , they never really talked about Jesus.

Jake was afraid to tell Kyle about Jesus because he was afraid  Kyle might reject him and would not want to be friends anymore, plus he knew Kyle was drinking and parting every weekend , so he did want to Kyle to think he was judging him.

Then came that fateful day when Jake wished he would have had told Kyle about Jesus.

One Saturday night , Kyle was leaving a party drunk  and decided to drive home, lost control of his car crashed into a tree and died on impact.

Jake wept at Kyle's funeral , and felt ashamed he did not tell Kyle about Jesus. Jake hoped that before Kyle died , that somehow Kyle gave his life to Jesus  but Jake knew that Kyle probably was in hell.

A week went by since  Kyle's death , when Jake got the weirdest voicemail , and the scary thing was .. ......  IT WAS KYLE!

Jake could not believe this , how could Kyle be leaving him a voicemail when he is dead!

Jake plays the message and what he hears shake's him to his core.

This is the message Kyle left Jake:

Oh Jake why didn't you tell me ??!!!!!!
 It is so terrible here,  I can't see here, it is so dark here!
Jake ,  My body is literally  on fire, it hurts so bad !
My mouth is so dry and  i am so tired but there is no rest here!
Jake, you knew Jesus ! , why didn't tell Me about Jesus or bring to your youth group?

Jake why? why Jake why ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jake got on his knees and cried out to God asked for forgiveness and also asked him to give him boldness to share Jesus with everyone he knew . Jake did not want anymore blood on his hands , like Kyle's.  From that day on Jake shared Jesus any chance he got .

Now of course this is just a story but there is so much truth in this story. We as Christians are suppose to tell people Jesus, we should never let a chance go by about telling the unsaved about Jesus!

I leave with this verse ,

Matthew 28:19-20

New International Version (NIV)
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


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